Thursday, June 05, 2008


He's no Ron Paul, but my second favorite will have to do. And to be perfectly honest, I'm pretty happy and excited that he made it. This coming from an elected Republican...or perhaps "Obamacan" would be more fitting.


John said...

is that oprah?!? I am interested to hear your comments on the recent craziness in California...

Anonymous said...

I realize politics are important and it is touchy (i don't know who I will vote for and I don't see myself as a republican or demonstrate...) but when you said obama is perfectly honest it caught my attention that's quite the statement... so whatever im bored and with that I walk away...

Anonymous said...

damn it, I use my phone to type and don't pay attention to the T9 so for everyone that would call me on my typo I ment to say democrat not demonstrate I realize its obvious but the people that point out the obvious typos really annoy me...

pinetree said...

I actually just said I was being perfectly honest...not that he is all the time necessarily. Who knows if he is or not. I like to think so though. He's really not my ideal candidate, I'm just excited about him.