Tuesday, April 05, 2005

My voice in the bloggin community.

I've been told I should get one of these for some time now. I'm not sure I want share everything in this blog. Sometimes my feelings can be unjustified, my impressions and assumptions incorrect, my thoughts and experiences too personal. That, and I really don't want to offend anyone unintentionally. This blog is mainly being set up so that I can comment on other peoples' blogs. It will be my voice in the blogging community. Perhaps I will write entries now and again. Time will tell. If you want me to write about something, ask me and I will probably be willing to do it.


eleka nahmen said...

But that's the beauty of a blog.. it's one's own little corner of the eWorld where your words are more important than anyone else's.

I'm so glad you got one of these!

VenerableRyo said...

Right or wrong, it's what you think. And that's part of what this is about... at least in my modest blogging experience. Welcome! Now start the sordid stories. He he!
On a more serious note... this has actually turned out to be a good outlet, and to be honest, we need all the allies we can get. Not that I expect you to always agree with me or Eleka or anybody else. But I suspect that we may have some commonalities. We work better together.
Good luck, my friend.