Thursday, May 01, 2008

Back in school!

I'm back in school!

I'm taking math 1050, college algrebra (sort of like algebra 2 in high school) and philosophy 2050, ethics and values. That's only until mid-June and then I switch to Biology and Astronomy. I should have all but two general eds at uvsc knocked out by fall.

It was only my second day and math is already kicking my butt! The class goes really fast and I don't remember anything about math. I'm keeping up with homework and going to tutoring every day. I think I managed to bomb our first pop quiz this morning, but hopefully I'll be ahead of the game enough next time to do well.

I went to tutoring today and had some guy help me with a problem I know I missed on the quiz. I thought I had done it all right, but came up with the wrong answer, so I had him look it over. The problem was that the guy was from...I want to say Ireland or Scotland? Maybe South Africa? I couldn't tell. But yeah, that was the problem. I just listened to his accent and didn't really conprehend anything that he said. It was mesmerizing. The entire time he was basically telling me I had forgotten to subtract 4 from 10. I had to tell him I was fine and to go away before I actually figured that out because I couldn't think about math while he was talking.

Philosophy is sort of a joke. We spent the entire class yesterday debating whether or not the cap on a whiteboard marker was indeed red. Our conclusion: color is an experience all in the mind, even after you break it down to the measures of wavelengths in angstroms reflecting off of objects. I didn't really participate in this debate. It was sort of silly because in this class you can't really argue anything because the only thing you can prove to anyone else is that you think and perceive. Actually, you can't even prove that to other people, it's just the only thing you can assume reasonably about other people because it is the only thing you know for certain and can prove about yourself. Blah blah blah. It might get more interesting later on when we actually talk about ethics and values in medicine, politics, and more practical areas. Hopefully an easy A.

I'm going to be the best man at my older brother's wedding! I don't even really know what that means, but I'm happy about it. Also, as my little brother will be on his mission in Germany during the wedding, I've decided I'm going to make a lifesize cutout of him to stand in the reception line. He's getting me a high resolution pic of him in his suit with his nametag sometime this week.

I'm trying to get rid of my last little bit of gut before my birthday. I swear its impossible. I've started to do interval training (for instance, 2 minutes sprinting, 2 minutes jogging/walking, repeat a bunch of times) instead of just steady cardio because I read in some magazine with a really ripped guy on the cover that it burns fat better. We'll see about that.

I love playing Scramble on facebook! Challenge me, please!

Gotta get to work soon. Later


Silus Grok said...

I'm on facebook... what's your profile URL?

draco said...

"Philosophy is sort of a joke."


Okay, I understand that philosophy can be a little bit dry and even silly sometimes (I too have endured the cap on the whiteborad marker lecture), but overall it is SOOOOO amazingly cool! I'm a philosophy major, though, so maybe I'm a little bit biased. ;)

The wonderful thing about philosophy is that it asks questions that we normally don't think about- questions that change the way you look at religion, politics, and just existence in general. Philosophy is all about finding wonderment in the world around us, not being afraid of asking the difficult or controversial questions, and not being afraid of being wrong and changing your mindset.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy your class in the end. Studying philosophy has completely changed my life :) That sounds dramatic, but it's so true!

Jessica said...

I'm pretty sure I took the same philosophy class at UVSC. I ended up liking it more than I thought I would, but I had REALLY low expectations because I think a lot of philosophy is stupid. (sorry person who commented before me)

I read a book for school this semester that I ended up really liking and I'm officially recommending that you read it. It's called "Identity and Violence" by Amartadiva?? Sen (I know his first name starts with Am and his last name is Sen, I made up the rest.) I normally don't recommend books because, well frankly because I read a bunch of mindless crap, but this guy's comments about personal identity and judgement and perceived destinies were fascinating and I thought of you and Robbie while I read it.

Good luck this term and I hope life is treating you as good as you deserve.